Your Senior Portrait Journey
Dear Senior Students and Parents,
Welcome to the Senior Class of 2025,
This will be the most exciting and busy year of high school.
The Yearbook Staff would like to remind you that before you begin the Senior school year you must have your Senior portrait made. Please contact senior yearbook portrait provider, Essence Fine Photography.
Any suitable portrait made by Essence Fine Photography may be submitted for publication in the yearbook.
Your Student may choose to schedule an in-studio custom session or to have their portrait made at school during yearbook portrait days.
For information on the Senior Portrait Program you may call your Senior Portrait provider Essence Fine Photography at (559) 799-1256.
Your school has a deadline of no later than September 1 to have all senior portraits ready for delivery to the Yearbook for printing.
Please do not delay in scheduling your Custom Portrait Session as it must be done with us by September 1.
Students who wish to take advantage of our creative Custom Portrait Sessions may call to schedule an appointment before the deadline.
There are many custom session styles available.
Custom sessions are done at Essence Studio.
Custom session fees include multiple backgrounds or locations with up to four clothing changes.
Students may also include cap and gown portraits in their custom session.
Students may choose their favorite pose to be published in the yearbook.
The best time to call for your creative Custom Session is NOW when the most convenient appointment times are still available!!
Don’t be disappointed call today. Sessions availability for August through September may be limited if you delay in scheduling.
Have a great Summer !!!
This year Essence Fine Photography will be hosting Yearbook Portrait Days at your School.
Redwood High School, tentatively on August 19.
El Diamante High School, tentatively on September 4.
Mt. Whitney High School, tentatively on September 5.
Golden West High School, tentatively on September 24.
This portrait opportunity is absolutely free and ensures that your student’s portrait will be available free of charge for yearbook publication. These images may be viewed on the internet and students will be given ordering information to take home.
Procrastinators Beware!
Parents & Students:
This is your notice that due to New Automations of the Jostens Yearbook systems There will be no extension of the Yearbook portrait deadlines this year. Your Yearbook Staff needs you to have your portraits done promptly.
Now is the time to schedule your appointment!!
If you wait till August to book your session you may not get in. Don’t be disappointed CALL NOW !!
Tina Smith
Owner & Lead Photographer at Essence Fine Photography
Tina was born and raised in Visalia. She has served as President and Vice President of the Central Valley Professional Photographers Association. Tina has studied under and assisted a large variety of the most renowned Master Photographers in the nation. She holds merits in service, education, and photographic art for professional photography. Her studies have included Business Arts, Marketing, Commercial Photography, Fine Art, Senior Photography, Wedding Photography, Fine Portraiture, Master Black and White Photography, and numerous other aspects of the industry.
She is proud to have completed the studies and exams required to earn the status of Certified Professional Photographer and is one of only approximately 1200 Certified Professional Photographers in the United States. Tina is currently looking forward to achieving her Master of Photography degree. She has been recognized with numerous awards both in local competitions and, even more importantly, in review by her peers in photography at a national level. Tina has been married for over 40 years and is the proud parent of a son and daughter, as well as the grandmother of 3 Boys and 1 Girl.